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Usage Guide

Cart Usage Guide

  1. You cannot purchase items for global shipping together with items for domestic shipping. Please purchase items in separate, respective carts.
  2. In the case of items available for global shipping, you can place those in the cart for domestic shipping and move them over to the cart for global shipping for purchase.
  3. If you would like to change the quantity of the selected item, change the quantity and click the [change] button.
  4. If you click the [Continue Shopping] button, you can continue shopping.
  5. Use the cart and likes to order just the items you want or to add to likes.
  6. With the option to attach a file, when you add an item identical to an item already in the cart, it will switch to the final uploaded file.

Interest-Free Installment Usage Guide

  1. If you want the benefits of interest-free installments item by item, please select only the items for interest-free installments and click [Order] to order/purchase.
  2. If you click [Order All Items], all selected items in the cart will be ordered/purchased.
  3. However, if you order/purchase all items, you cannot take advantage of interest-free installments.
  4. Items available for interest-free installments will be marked in a separate, interest-free installment section, and the shipping rate will be shown based on the items available for interest-free installments. The actual shipping rate will change based on the items you order together, so please refer to the bottom of the order page for shipping rate information.


